My current addictions:
1. YouTube. Pinterest and YouTube have replaced the need to EVER buy another crafting magazine. Sorry. It's true. The only crafting magazines I ever buy are the ones in which my friends have had something published. Great visuals can be found on Pinterest and amazing tutorials are everywhere on YouTube. Instead of cuddling up at bedtime with a glass of wine and the latest Creating Keepsakes (sooooo 2005), I find myself grabbing my iPad (and the wine... there will always be wine) and falling down an internet rabbit hole. I thought I'd toss out my favorite YouTube channels (make sure you sign up for an account and click "subscribe") and you too can be inspired by some amazing designers. Here are my favorites:
- Jennifer McGuire Ink - My favorite of all the crafty YouTubers. Her stuff is amazing. Be sure to check out her organizational videos as well as her technique videos. It is all good!
- K Werner Design - Gorgeous envelopes, lots of watercolors and supercool lettering. Inspiring!
- Papertrey Ink - One of my favorite stamp and die companies. Watch the Party Pops video here and you can thank me for helping you spend your crafting money! Seriously. I watched the video. I bought the stamps. I couldn't help myself.
- Silhouette America- Santa brought me a Silhouette for Christmas this year. I am loving the videos on this channel!
- Altenew- One of the hottest new stamp companies. Check out their layered floral stamps. I love, love, love! Love them so much that it hurts. Financially.
In addition to the crafting channels, I'm also loving these:
- Bad Lip Reading- I don't care which political party you belong to, you must watch both the Democratic and Republican debate videos. My daughters have memorized them. Pinto! Pinto! Wahahahaha!
- Fat Quarter Quilts - I swear to you that I have had "make a quilt" as one of my New Years Resolutions every damn year for at least ten years. This channel might inspire me to get my act together!!
- Boho Berry - My favorite planner/bullet journal YouTuber. This girl will change your world. Holy cow!!
- Soap Queen TV- My latest passion - soapmaking. OK. Passion is overstating it. I keep buying supplies, but haven't actually made anything yet. But if I do, it will be because of this channel.
- WOW Presents- THIS CHANNEL IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you love drag queens like I love drag queens, you'll want to check this out. Bianca Del Rio is my favorite drag queen and her "Really Queen?" series cracks me up.
Once you click "subscribe" when logged in to YouTube, your account will regularly update with the most recent videos from all of your subscriptions. Every night I have new material to watch/learn from/laugh at.
Now that you've seen some of my faves, what are yours? I'd love to add more viewing material to my nightly addiction!!
2. White Mountain Puzzles . We always have a puzzle in progress at our house. It is something that every member of our family can work on and something we can do together. It is the perfect activity for rainy days and snow days (ahem... like this week) and boring days. When we've had a stressful week, I pull our puzzle out and set it on the kitchen table. Putting pieces together soothes the soul. We keep our puzzles on a large piece of particle board and when it is not in use it is store on top of a bookcase in our living room.
White Mountain puzzles are amazing quality and are easy to work through because the pieces are easily identifiable. We recently completed the 80s puzzle above (get yours here ) and it was fun to shout out "I'm working on Mr. T... if you find a piece of Mr. T, give it to me!!!". We've put together over a dozen White Mountain Puzzles and I cannot recommend them enough. Here are some of our faves:
Go get yourself some puzzle therapy. It is good for you!
Note: These are affiliate links. That being said, these are items I purchased for myself (or plan to buy soon). They were not given to me and I am not paid for any endorsements. Should you decide that you can't live without them, use the links and kick a little money back my way!
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