Fall is my all-time-be-all favorite time of year (I know I said this about Summer, but come on now.... Summer is so last season!). At the beginning of each season, we sit down as a family and plan out what we want to do as a family. Baby A. is still too little to really have an opinion, but Baby G. was quite vocal about what she wanted to accomplish this season -- Pumpkinville and jumping in the leaves after Daddy raked them up. I've discovered that if I use my Seasons planner to plan out our season, we get so much more done and I don't feel like things are just passing me by. I can really enjoy the season with my husband and kids.
With that in mind, I whipped up two more Seasons planners for my readers to buy. The first one sold before it went on-line, but I just finished this pink/brown Basic Grey beauty last night. Each planner has over 200 pre-printed pages for you to use to take advantage of the most each season has to offer. You'll find the Basic Grey "Blush" version in my Etsy store by clicking here.
I've been fielding requests for 2011 Nancy Drew Date Books, so I'll be working on those next!
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