I'm a pretty private person & I don't often share my personal life on my professional blog, but I feel the need to share my week with you & explain my MIA status lately. A few weeks ago, my hubby and I took our daughter to Disneyworld for a family vacation. While we were there, hubby complained of a tightness in his chest & pains in his left arm/shoulder. We wrote it off the the fact that he isn't used to carrying a two year-old around all the time. The pains were not constant and would go away by mid-afternoon each day. He's probably just out of shape from his desk job and not used to the rigors of 10 days of sightseeing. We're only in our mid-30s. What could possibly be wrong?
We returned home from vacation, he went back to work and life went on as normal. I taught my letterboxing class ten days ago. When I returned home from the class, he was complaining of the pain again. I was sick to death of listening to the complaints and sent him off to the emergency room. Alone (I know.... I suck). He called me a few hours later to let me know that they were admitting him for tests. He's still there.
It turns out those chest pains were far more serious than either of us would have ever thought. One of his arteries was 90% blocked, another was 65% blocked and the main trunk of his heart had major obstructions as well. The doctors said he would not have lived much longer if he hadn't come in.
One triple bypass later and he's on the mend.
My posts will probably be sporadic for a while. I'm trying to balance running to the hospital with keeping my daughter's life as normal as possible. My "Murder on the Last Train to Paris" class this past weekend will be re-scheduled to November. All orders will ship by the end of this week. For those of you who won a copy of "Summer at Tiffany", the books are wrapped and in my car. I just need to get them to the post office, but I'm hoping to get them out tomorrow.
Thank you to all of my friends who really stepped to the plate & showed up on my doorstep to watch my daughter, make my dinner and hold my hand. Jenny and Lauri, you are truly lifesavers (and Lauri, you make one helluva pork roast!). I had so many e-mails & phone calls offering help, I was a bit overwhelmed. I can't thank you guys enough for being there when I needed it. I sincerely hope that I am as good a friend to you as you are to me.
Hubby's at-home recovery period will be at least six weeks, so I'm sure I'll be hiding in my basement working out my frustrations in a creative way. Look for new classes and on-line kits in the near future!!!
Hey--Call me!!! I understand that you are tired and worn out, but call me when you have a chance!! I will become a stalker if I have to...Just kidding about the stalker part--but seriously...
Posted by: karen | Tuesday, October 09, 2007 at 09:10 PM
I'm thinking of you & your family. Take care!!
Posted by: nerissa | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 12:04 AM
It's really brave of you to share that story. It definitely makes me take future aches and pains more seriously. Sorry to hear about your husband. Hope all is well. My sister had end stage renal failure, and thankfully sister #2 was a match and donated her kidney to sister #1. She is doing well but its something she will have to deal with forever. All I can say is hope for the best and the rest will follow. Best of luck and i wish him a speedy recovery.
Posted by: lily | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 03:47 AM
It makes my heart happy to know that you have so many amazing girlfriends there. You have been an absolute oak through this, which doesn't surprise me at all. Please, please take good care of yourself and ask for help. Love you.
Posted by: CarrieB | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 09:31 AM
You and your family have been on my mind a lot lately. It was such a shock to hear about your hubby, particularly given his age.
I know the road to recovery will require the support of friends and family. Please know that we are here to help.
Posted by: Jeanette | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 09:42 AM
Your family is in my thoughts and Prayers. I wish your husband a speedy recovery. Jennie
Posted by: Jennie Gift | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 12:21 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of this but glad to know your hubby is now recuperating.
Posted by: Elaine | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 01:30 PM
Wow I am sorry to hear about your husband's heart problems. My husband had a similar experience. We attributed the pains to tennis elbow cause it was in his right arm. After climbing up and down the stairs getting ready for Thanksgiving, I finally realized his ashen face meant he was really sick. Sure enough, triple bypass followed. He's really tried to change how he eats and has regular checkups with his cardiologist. I'm sure your husband will be up to the challenge. Wishing you both the best for a speedy recovery.
P.S. I loved the man-made card!
Posted by: Denise | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 03:36 PM
OMG - Sending you love, hugs, strength and support! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Posted by: Elaine | Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 01:24 AM
I cannot even imagine how rough this has been for you and your family. I wish your DH a speedy recovery - and you the strength you need to pull him through it!
Posted by: Jennifer Sizemore | Friday, October 12, 2007 at 09:10 AM
Korrie ~ please know that your husband and all of your family are being remembered in prayers. Hoping your husband's recovery goes smoothly and speedily! Hang in there.
Brightest of Blessings Always ~*~ Patty
Posted by: Patty Szymkowicz | Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 09:05 AM
WOW WOW wow-
so scary and soooo glad you made him go, usually men are so stubborn! Thankful to read he is on the mend!!
Posted by: Robyn | Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 12:34 AM